Latihan corat coret yang bermanfaat

For you

I just want to be a best person for you

But I realize that no one can be the “best” person in this world

Every person has its own weakness

So, I just try to be better than before

And always try to accept your weakness

Inspired by and thanks to: AIR, 2010

4 responses

  1. elya

    afif ca’em

    11 Februari 2011 pukul 12:02

  2. Apip so swit banget dahh!!!
    buat didik ya pip?? -_-‘

    7 April 2011 pukul 10:01

    • hahahaha, bukanlah Dard, tapi bukan buat kmu juga :-p
      itu kan tulisannya temen kita Sepun AIR Dard, nah mungkin dia nulis itu buat kmu Dard :-d

      10 April 2011 pukul 22:42

  3. sooo swiiit… πŸ˜€

    23 April 2011 pukul 17:41

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